WHITETAIL DESIGNER SYSTEMS, leading the way in digital imaging reference for the modern taxidermist, has taxidermy reference photo albums on floppy disk in addition to taxidermy tanning supplies.
These disks are INEXPENSIVE and have a generous number of high quality DETAILED photos on each disk. Price range is only $9.95 to $12.95 each disk!
The floppy disk offers a lot of versatility. Photos can be viewed on a computer monitor for a fantastic three dimensional look, printed off with your own printer, or you can have them printed at about any photo department. You even have the choice of what size you want to print, 4" x 6", 5" x 7", 8" x 10 "!
Not only do we offer photo reference material for the perfectionist minded and competitive taxidermists, but also basic general reference photos for the beginner in taxidermy. The taxidermist needs photo reference material of the same nature as the wood carver or sculptor in order to produce accurate three dimensional portrayals of the subject.
When it comes to taxidermy reference photos for whitetail deer mounting, we've got 'em! Whitetail deer fawns, does and bucks!

All the hard to find DETAILED angle shots are no longer hard to find. They are all right here! Guessing at anatomical accuracies can be eliminated!
We currently offer 18 different series of whitetail deer photo albums by Glen Conley, and that list of reference options will continue to grow.
That's a lot of speciality whitetail deer pictures to choose from!
We are continuing to add to our selection of wildlife photos, expanding on our waterfowl and mammal taxidermy reference photos series.
NEW for 2003! Eastern Wild Turkey taxidermy reference photos by Tim Jordan!

The WHITETAIL DESIGNER SYSTEMS trade name fools a lot of people. The use of this product line is not limited to deer tanning, as you will see in the photo illustrations of the taxidermy mounts within, it is also excellent for tanning hides of other mammals for taxidermy.
We released our latest product, STOP-ROT, on the taxidermy market in the fall of 2002. It was developed as a fast working aid in preventing hair slip, bacterial rot and other naturally occuring chemical decompositions in mammal skins. It was designed to be used before the salt process, allowing a taxidermist additional work time on raw skins, but is showing it's self to be much more versatile. If you are not already using STOP-ROT, you will want to study up on it's uses and then put it to work for you. One quart is $16.95 and that will do six to twelve whitetail deer capes. You sure can't buy replacement capes for that.
STOP-ROT is also being used in fish taxidermy as a fish tan formula, and is proving to be a really simple solution for fish tanning. Photos of fish taxidermy done using STOP-ROT as a fish tanning formula are also inside.

A beginner interested in mounting a deer can use the information, products and links within this site as a free on-line taxidermy home study course. The "Old Hand" might also pick up some taxidermy tips for deer mounting and tips for tanning animal skins.
By clicking HERE, you will get the index of tanning and taxidermy articles associated with this website. You may as well pull up a chair and get comfortable, there is tons of information for you.
Taxidermy.Net was created by Ken Edwards, and is sponsored by his company, WASCO. It is the internet Masterpiece of Taxidermy Websites that provides a gathering point for ALL members of the taxidermy community.
A special public THANK YOU is extended to Mr. Edwards, and WASCO, for their generosity, and contributions in promoting modern taxidermy, and the taxidermy industry.
YOU CAN DO YOUR OWN TAXIDERMY TANNING! This site contains lots of tanning and taxidermy tips, taxidermy products information, and buying sources for WHITETAIL DESIGNER SYSTEMS taxidermy tanning supplies!
Has made another expansion! Web site services for taxidermists are now available!